Monday, November 3, 2014

A Week Full of Interviews

Mr. Lavery interviewing Mr. Richards

AJ Best showing Kevin his pneumatic cylinder
On Friday October, 24, Kevin Lavery came in and interviewed multiple students from our 3rd block robotics class. This interview is more unique than others because, not only did it discuss the Palau Team and their project, but he also interviewed students from the competition teams about their own specific projects. The interview was aired on Tuesday. If you would like to check it out, the link is posted below.
Mr. Lavery and the Palau Team
Last Monday, October 22nd, Congressman Kenny Bentivolio came into the classroom for a visit. Mr. Richards and Mr. Bentivolio are long time friends that met in the army many years ago and have stayed in contact. Mr. Bentivolio asked for "just 8 minutes of our time," to explain his life story and how he decided to become a congressman after teaching for many years. He toured the classroom and learned about all of our different ROVs and projects we have going on.

Mr. Bentivolio learning about the ROV
Speaking to our class
The whole class with Congressman Bentivolio
After school on Monday October 22nd, team leaders, Maddy Armstrong and Chloe Hypes traveled to Holt and had an interview on 94.1 The Edge (WVIC) with Parker. They talked about our upcoming Movie Night on November 6th that is being held at the Michigan Theatre in Jackson, Michigan.

Maddy Armstrong and Chloe Hypes with Parker

Maddy Armstrong being interviewed.
Chloe Hypes being interviewed.
Early Tuesday morning, the marketing girls and Mr. Richards drove to Ann Arbor to give a live radio interview on 102.9 W4 Country. Bubba and his crew were amazed at the team and couldn't believe that high school students were participating in something this big and important.

102.9 W4 Country
The girls and Bubba

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