Friday, October 24, 2014

This week is a busy week for the team as we are getting closer to our big movie night on November 6th at the Michigan Theatre in Jackson at 7:00 PM. We have scheduled multiple meetings with news stations, radio interviews and phone interviews.

The contact board

The October schedule
The November schedule

Monday at 10:30 AM our GoPro video was launched! They made a video of our team and last years expedition to Palau. Check it out!

Chloe and Maddy during their interview

The  "newbies" giving their interview
Jamie Krusinski, Becca Ensign, and Jamie Cool
 Yesterday Haley Nelson from WILX Channel 10 News came and visited our classroom. She interviewed the Palau Team and the story should air next week sometime! We will keep you updated.
Jeremy, Tyler, and Mitch working on the ROV on camera

Haley filming the marketing team

Haley Nelson and the Palau Team

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